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Former President of the Senate, Senator David Mark, Dun declared him intention to contest for Presidential election under PDPD

Former President of the Senate, Senator David Mark, Dun declared him intention to contest for Presidential election under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party in 2019

He picked him Presidential nomination form on Tuesday for  the national secretariat of the party for inside Abuja.
SEE ALSO: How To Get Nominated In The Ongoing Unveiling Concert October Edition 
Mark na  President of Senate for eight years between 2007 and 2015.

When He dey talk to journalists after he pick him form, he promise say he go fight security, economic and socio-political wahala when dey cause threate for the country.

He still promise say he go restructure the country if them give am  opportunity.

He say, for big English  “Irrespective of our political persuasions, it is incontrovertible that restructuring of the nation is an idea whose time has come.

“I believe it will further strengthen our bond of brotherhood and unity more than ever before, because everyone would have a sense of belonging and live in harmony in any part of Nigeria without any fear of molestation and intimidation.”

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